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Writer's pictureDaniel Ingle

Advent Day 19

Fragile Treasure By Ryan Geesaman, MS

Paul writes, “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all- surpassing power is from God and not from us” (NIV). I find this verse comforting. It’s comforting to know that God has placed a treasure inside me. It’s comforting to know that I can’t take credit for that treasure. It’s clear that God understands that I am fragile, not unlike a vessel made of dirt. Some days I’m dirtier and more cracked than others, but I will remain fragile until God redeems this mortal body of mine. And that’s okay.

At the same time, this passage holds a certain weight of responsibility. I carry the treasure of the gospel, of knowing Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. My fragility does not preclude me from this responsibility and privilege. In the same way a clay jar is meant to carry something and then pour it out, I am not meant to hold onto this treasure inside of me. I’m meant to share it, and God is able to use my frailty to show the power in that treasure. Later in 2 Corinthians 12:9 Paul tells us that God’s “power works best in weakness.” We are instruments of that power so that God can be glorified, but it requires something of us: a willingness to be used. As we approach Christmas, I am reminded of how Jesus showed us an example of this balance between fragility and power. He came to the earth with the exterior of a vulnerable, human child, but He showed us what it looks like to carry the full power of God. As Christians, following His example, may the power and love of Christ pour out of us, His broken vessels.

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